Who We Are I Our Mission
Stacked With Purpose is a Prophetic Jewelry Company, with our hearts set on coming alongside women in their identity with our products. We feel so many women have identity issues, and maybe feel rejected, unloved, undervalued, unseen, have childhood trauma, or grow up with no fathers. Our heart is to reach out and speak life over all these women by creating some fun pieces of jewelry that they can wear and be reminded of who they are. With our identity collection, this product comes with a declaration card and comes with a written prophetic word. We pray these can bring hope to them and also a revelation of who He is. We want to see others walk in their full Identity of who they are in Christ.
We are on a mission for every daughter we come across to know who they were created to be. Our passion is to encourage and equip women by calling out the gifts that God has given them from bracelets and prophetic words. We would love to partner with different organizations to reach as many people especially women and able to give them an extraordinary experience that will reflect the love of God and serve them in a way they will feel seen, known, and loved.